RFID Anti-Metal Sticker
Anti-metal RFID NFC Sticker and tag with 3M adh...
Chip Options chip model Memory protocl Function Available 125KHz Chip Hitag1 1024 Bits/128 Byte ISO11784/785 Read/Write Hitag2 2048 Bits/256 Byte ISO11784/786 Read/Write T5577 330 Bits/42 Byte 18000-2 Read/Write EM4100 64 Bits ISO11784/788 Read/Write EM4305 512 Bits/64 Byte ISO11784/789 Read/Write Hitag-1 2048 Byte ISO11784/790 Read/Write Hitag-2 2056 Byte ISO11784/791 Read/Write Available 13.56MHz Chip Memory protocl Function NTAG213 912 Bits/144 Byte ISO/ISE...